Monday, December 13, 2010

The Past Month in Four Paragraphs!

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't really kept up the past month on the blog! It's been super busy and here's why:

So since I blogged last time, I went on a Roman Holiday!!! A group of us went to Rome the second weekend of November! It was a great experience. We saw the Roman forum, Coliseum, Trevi fountain, Pantheon, mouth of truth, and the Vatican. It was incredible (also consumed gelato 4 times in two days). Next time I go to Rome, I want to stay for a week. There is so much to see and it was beautiful!

The last travel weekend in November, Nick and I went to Berlin! Everyone else went to the Harry Potter premier in London (wanted to go so bad, but were going in two weeks :}) so we decided to go to Germany. The second time around, Germany was awesome. We both really enjoyed Berlin! After our 13 hour train ride (of course we arrived late, its Germany...), we went to our hostel in East Berlin (so crazy) and settled in. We immediately took off to see some sites. In the two days we were there, we walked a total of 17 miles seeing Checkpoint Charlie, the Berlin Wall, the TV tower, and 4 museums housing the alter of Pergamon, the gates of Babylon, and the bust of Nefertiti. Berlin was a really cool city that I would love to go back to someday.

The last two weekends in Lausanne consisted of Thanksgiving, Christmas markets, making videos, and studying for finals! We had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner complete with all the fixings (and a short play by my fellow peers on Thanksgiving...haha). Thanksgiving was also the first day it snowed in Lausanne! A white Thanksgiving was great! It snowed over a foot that weekend and we all loved it! One weekend, a bunch of us went to the Christmas markets in Montreux, one of the best in this area of Europe. Christmas markets are very popular in Germany and Switzerland. They typically sell Christmas decorations, winter clothing, candies and chocolates, and other fun things! It was great to walk around by Lake Geneva and sip on some cider (spiked with some vodka...just to keep me warm :]). It was a great cultural experience! I finished out the semester strong with good grades and finished the videos for my job an for all the students.

Now, I am in Romania on the mission trip that I planned for myself and 14 other Pepperdine students who are studying abroad. Its been a great experience so far working with children in Bucharest. We have gotten to make crafts and play games at two different orphanages as well as go site seeing in Bucharest and the Brasov area near Dracula's castle! We are all having a great time and I am looking forward to traveling with Nick and one of my best friends, Lauren to Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark the rest of break!